Friday, April 11, 2014

Travel Kinks

Travelling can definitely put a cramp in your routine when it affects your sleeping, eating or exercise (or all 3).  Being someone who unfortunately travels almost every week and typically to places that are not notorious for healthy lifestyles (Nebraska...sorry Megan :), I have had to get creative to keep things somewhat on an even keel. 

One such strategy that I utilize is to find hotels where bikes are provided.  Obviously gyms are a standard in pretty much all hotels, but bikes are a rarity. I have actually been able to find a few hotels in out-state Nebraska that provide beach cruisers to guests for checkout for free!  Or if I cannot find a hotel with just such a service, there are often bike shops in town that will let you check out or test drive a bike for the afternoon.  Little things like this really help me stay on track.

When in San Diego last week, I took a break from meetings to rent a beach cruiser and go explore Coronado- probably the cheapest and coolest way to see this gorgeous island.


LydiaH said...

That is really good to know about some hotels. I would have never of that!

Carol said...

That looks like a great way to work out travel kinks!!!!