Sunday, April 6, 2014

Don't Give Up!

Our family has only recently moved to Colorado from Georgia and I broke my arm in November, so I am still a bit of a wuss when it comes to cold weather.  My DH bought me the most awesome wool hoodie (similar to the one below, but a couple of models older with a zip neck)

which works GREAT under my helmet, but I am too scared to find out whether frozen mud is just as slippery as frozen water.  I just can't bear the thought of another cast.  So, even though I had planned to ride to work on Tuesday and Friday last week, the crazy head-cold prevented the Tuesday ride and the remnants of Thursday's snow nixed the Friday ride.  And you know what?

I was disappointed! 

Sure, packing up my stuff the night before is a pain and showering at the office is a challenge, but I missed watching the day begin on the trails and racing the sunset home!  I missed trying to beat my earlier times and was bummed to not be learning to use Strava.

But you know what?  The weather is supposed to be awesome next week.  And even if it is not awesome, I am going to ride!  And, after much gnashing of teeth, downloading of software, and re-pairing of devices, I have learned to use Strava with my antiquated Garmin.   QOM, here I come!

Here are some photos from last weekend's ride (before I got sick).  The goats are out in Gunbarrel and the mountain view is on E. County Line Road in Longmont, which FYI is currently closed at the crossing with the St Vrain River.  How can you not be inspired with a view like that!

The point, anyway, is don't give up!  If the ride doesn't work out today or this week, keep trying!  You will eventually figure out the right route and it will be great.

1 comment:

Dawn Orwick said...

Having recently moved here from PA, I am still adjusting to the forecast of 70 degrees and snow in the same week! So bizarre!

Love the can-do attitude! Having a goal and being determined to reach it is more than half the battle, so here's hoping that the weather folks are right for this week and we're overwhelmed by sunshine!!