Monday, August 4, 2014

Communicating bike etiquette

Is there a way to communicate bike etiquette effectively to strangers?  I regularly see a woman who bike salmons down 16th Street.  There are bike lanes both ways on 16th, and she is not turning.  She just bombs down the lane the wrong way.  Aside from the rule follower in me who does not like it, it is so unsafe!  A car turning left would never look behind them to see if a bike is coming!

I don't want to be that person who yells, "Hey, get on right side of the road!" I doubt that would be effective. Is there a kind and effective way to communicate basic bike safety and laws to people you don't know?

1 comment:

LydiaH said...

Man, good question. I guess if I personally didn't think I was doing anything wrong (which must be her case since she does this regularly), then I probably wouldn't be receptive to someone instructing me on how I should do something. But... on the other hand, if you're ok with the fact that she may be insulted by your words of wisdom, then perhaps it's a good idea to tell her. If you and a couple others told her, maybe she'd get the idea. Tough call, but I do think being a good steward and education is probably a responsibility we all share. Whether to a motorist or a fellow commuter.