Monday, April 4, 2016

Bluebonnet XTerra

First race/event of the season in the books...

A friend talked my husband and me into heading down to Austin to do an XTerra triathlon a few months ago... And, as I always say when it comes to "Kris adventures," it seemed like a good idea at the time. What could be better than heading down to Texas in April, where it would be nice and warm, for my first tri in about 8 years?? Ha.

After shoving four of us, three bikes, and all the necessary gear in the Element, we took off. We were driving about 28 hours for a 3-hour race. Great idea! Good thing we had two whole days in Austin to enjoy!

Friday way rainy and cold. So much for warm, sunny Texas. The boys pre-rode the course and I ran it. I figured if I was going to crash on my mountain bike, I'd leave it for race day. It was gorgeous, if slippery on all the exposed granite... 

I only fell once. It's not a trail run if I don't fall flat on my ass.... The views (and wildflowers!) were gorgeous. Glad I got to see it before I raced, when I could stop every five minutes to take pictures.

Race day dawned beautiful and sunny. Cold, though. The car was reading 37 degrees when we arrived at the park... Nice and warm for the swim! Luckily, the water was a balmy 67, which felt fabulous compared to the air temp. 

I was pleasantly surprised by the whole experience. I loved every second, to be honest. After 10 meters of the swim, I settled in and relaxed and enjoyed it, the bike portion was wonderfully ridable (which is rare, for me- I'm a terrible mountain biker), and I managed to pass a few people on the run...

In the end,there was still beer left when I finished.  I came on second in my age group. And there were more than two of us...

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