Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Back in the Saddle

Ahh...spring is in the air (well...despite a few lingering snow clouds) and what better time to get back into the swing of things and spend more quality time on 2 wheels!  Over the last year, commuting for me was put on the back-burner due to a job change, buying a home and moving further from work and not being familiar with my local roads and trails.  Fortunately, the warm weather, great friends and a potential job relocation have all renewed my commuting and adventurous spirit!  I think it was the perfect storm of good mojo, which was exactly what I needed to get out of the fast lane and into the bike lane!  

Admittedly, it wasn't an easy transition and excuses flowed like wine, but with the support of my teammates and a few close friends, my sense of excitement has returned and I've been pedaling my way around ever since.  In preparation for my new job, I convinced my fiance and our friend Gary to go with me as I explored the trails between home and work.  Having seen my future commute, I was so excited that I wanted to start the new job NOW!  I want to cruise along the 36 bike path with everyone else!!  However, corporate America doesn't move as fast as I'd like, but I didn't let that discourage me.  I decided that the best way to get in the habit of commuting wasn't to wait until the stars aligned and everything was perfect and easy.  (If you know me, I don't do easy!  It's not my style!)  Instead, Gary and I worked out a buddy system where I drive part way, meet him and we bike to work together!  Brilliant!!  Not only do I have someone who can show me the safest routes to work, but I also have someone to hold me accountable!  No more "ehh...I'm just too tired" or "I'll ride in tomorrow."  Nope!  I know he's waiting, so you can bet, I'm getting my tail up and out the door.  Funny because there hasn't been a single day where I've arrived at work on my bike and thought "ya know, I really wish I would've driven my car today".  Not...ONCE!  

Moral of the story...the best way to create is a habit is to start TODAY!  Even if you're unsure or slightly afraid of trying a new route, ask around!!  With so many cyclists out there, there's sure to be someone who knows how to get to where you need to be safety.  I'm willing to bet there are more "Gary's" out there who'd love to have you tag along on a ride!  :-)

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