Saturday, December 31, 2016

One Last Ride

My husband and I brushed the dust off of the old road bikes we keep stored at my parents' house in south Florida this morning... There's something to be said for being able to ride your bike in your sleeveless jersey on the last day of the year.

I was pleasantly surprised by the way the old bike didn't suck as much as I remembered, and we had a great (if windy, the wind here is as bad as in Colorado) ride.

On the way home, we stopped by a CVS for some much needed allergy meds, where people looked at me really funny in my full cycling gear. I guess nobody runs an errand while out on a bike ride down here. It was absolutely worth it for the looks I got!  

Now the only question that remains (in my mind, at least) is this:
Does it count as a commute if you just randomly stop at the pharmacy while out on your bike ride?😊

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