Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Sharing the love of commuting...

I had the opportunity to take a friend of mine on her first commute to work.  She works two miles from my office and we live just a few blocks away from each other, so it was perfect!  The mornings are still cold, so she was texting me that morning trying to decide what to wear, how many layers, what to take in her backpack, etc.  We got started off on schedule and I think she was a little nervous.  I generally don't have problems with motorists, but that morning, within the first 5 miles we had two honkers!  Lol.  I like to think that they are just honking to let me know that they are coming by... :)  I don't let it bother me, and I tried to share that wisdom with her.  We did jump on some sections on sidewalk that were wide and flat so we could chat a bit as we rode.  I need to check the laws in the counties I ride through, I know some places it's illegal.  I rode the extra two miles to her work with her so she was comfortable with the route and by the time we got to her office she was all smiles.  We quickly made our plans for the ride home and I set back to my office.

That afternoon she was excited to get going again and was early meeting me at my office.  I love her enthusiasm!!!  The route home was awesome and we booked it!  We have a little more downhill on the way home versus on the ride to work, so it was easy to get moving.  Some sections of our ride the speed limit was 35 and we actually had to hit the brake to make sure we were being good law abiding citizens.  We had fun up some of the hills, really digging deep to keep the speed up.  It was fun to commute with someone else, time flew by!!  We even ran in to another friend of ours along the way who was out for a ride... amazing how timing works!!!

When we got back to our neighborhood she was all smiles and scheming on the next commute.  It was actually a lot of fun to see her get so excited for it and I'm so glad I got to share the experience with her and show her how fun and easy it really can be.  She now understands that commuting doesn't have to be stressful...  just a little bit of planning ahead and it's not a big deal at all!!


StephB said...

Awesome! I am so jealous that you found (created) a commuting buddy!

Tiffany said...

Great work Lydia!

cyclist-lawyer said...

love this Lydia! Good job!