Thursday, April 10, 2014


Before joining The Cyclist-Lawyer commuter team, I stayed far far away from Strava.  Part of the reason I stopped racing was because I was tired of tracking every. single. thing.  But I reallllllllly wanted a hot pink wind vest, so I figured joining Strava would  be worth it!  While I am still surprised at the segments people put together - especially the ones that require a lot of stop sign running - I confess that I like it!  And it is because of the awesome ladies on the Commuter Team.  Seriously.  It sounds all wishy washy and mushy, but you guys inspire me to commute more!  You guys commute all the time!!!  I like looking at your routes and getting new ideas for my routes.  And you ladies ride fast and far and frequently.  Thanks for inspiring me to commute more!!!

Photo: Got two new items this evening - a bridesmaid dress and a wind vest.  The colors actually look pretty good together! Fashion + function = winning.

Me in my HOT PINK wind vest.  With a bridesmaid's dress underneath.  What?!  I got them both on the same day and the colors are quite complimentary.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are a sweetie. Rock that vest with the bridesmaid's dress!