Saturday, April 19, 2014


In addition to the 4-5 guys that I see in the mornings when I commute, here are a couple of examples of the other co-commuters on my route:

My husband has been telling me about how the cows are in the pasture when he does his runs, but I have never seen it before.  On Friday, though, the cows were on my trail!  How cool is that?  They completely ignored me, but it was cool to see them up close.

The groundhogs are not as noteworthy as the cows because they are everywhere.  However, this week, they were making R2D2-ish alarm noises when I rode up.  They are very interesting little critters.

In other news, a mountain-biker held one of the gates open for me to pass on Friday morning, which was really nice.  So, I held the gate open for a lady later in the day and on my way home, the dude in front of me stopped and opened the gate before I got there!  I like the mountainbiker vibe a lot.  Very friendly group.

1 comment:

LydiaH said...

Yeah, mtb-ers tend to be very friendly. :) You gotta watch those little groundhogs though, I think they get an adrenaline rush out of running over the path right in front of you!! LOL