Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Road Cyclist/Racer -> Bike Commuter

Last year was my first year racing bikes. I got into cycling a few years ago as a form of cross training to complement my running. I've always been very competitive, have loved working hard, and seeing results, and chasing down goals. Naturally, after riding bikes for a couple years, racing was the next step. I joined a local cycling team here in Denver for the 2019 season and although I was only able to race a handful of times, I'd call the season a success. I ended up getting some good results: 11th, 2nd, 6th, and 4th.

Toward the end of the year, I was riding with Megan and she asked me if I was planning to race again in 2020. At that point, I wasn't sure what my plans for 2020 were for bike racing, but I knew that my free time would be extremely limited due to two little ones at home.

Megan asked me to join the Bike Ambassador team of bike commuters who are passionate about getting people on bikes and out riding, specifically to/from work. In doing so, I've been forced to bike commute more (can't talk-the-talk if you don't walk-the-walk) and in doing so I've learned a couple of things:

  1. Bike Commuting Can Be Just as Fun as Bike Racing - The competitive drive can still be satisfied when you aren't focused on racing. Seeing others who commute can fuel your fire. I know people who commute all-year round, in all conditions. That motivates me to get out. I know people who commute further, or have harder commutes, but they still do it, so it motivates me to get out and do it. Etc., etc.
  2. You Can Still Set and Achieve Goals -  Maybe instead of doing Tuesday intervals, you bike commute both ways to and from the office. Maybe instead of increasing your threshold by 10 watts, you want to bike commute at least three days, each week for this month. And, of course, you can still chase KOMs for segments that are on your commute - although it's harder when you're carrying work cloths, shoes, etc.
  3. It Is a Great Use of Time - Especially now with our second kiddo, bike commuting is an excellent use of my time. Instead of the 30-minute commute each way + trying to fit in at least an hour workout a day, I can bike commute and accomplish the commute and workout simultaneously. It is a great way to prepare for work in the morning and decompress on the way home. The mental benefits of bike commuting and not driving the car/sitting in traffic are amazing.
  4. It's Okay to Not Bike Commute Every Day/Everywhere - Sure, I'd love to ride my bike everywhere, work, the grocery store, post office, bank, doctors, or dentist, etc., but it isn't always going to happen. Sometimes, it isn't practical, sometimes I have a limited amount of time and driving is faster, sometimes I need to stay at home later in the morning or be home sooner in the evening to help with the kiddos, sometimes it isn't safe due to the weather, and sometimes I just don't want to. That's okay!!! You don't have to ride every single day. You don't have to ride everywhere. You can still take the car and drive. Fact of the matter is you're still getting exercise, reducing your carbon footprint, and making the world a better place! Don't feel bad about using the car sometimes!

If you haven't tried bike commuting, you need to. It'll change your life.


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