Monday, March 7, 2016

My 21 Day Challenge

It’s said that it takes at least 21 days to form a new habit. At just 17 days into my new bike commuting habit, I’ve clocked 16 commutes and learned quite a few things about how to #bikemoredriveless.
Get organized…but keep it simple. Stick to basic ingredients: your bike, a helmet, lights and a  travel bag. Keep a corner prepared at home and office where you can grab a puffy, tube, gloves or rain coat as needed. Resist the urge to overthink your commute and soon, you will be riding more and thinking less about what is missing.

Embrace the unexpected, and keep on commuting. It’s like that old saying, getting to the gym is the hardest part. As you build your habit, turn off your brain and just get on your bike. Keep lights on your bike in case a meeting runs late. As long as you are visible, riding at night adds an element of fun to wind down your day.

Details matter…but only as long as you actually ride. Clock in a few commutes before attempting to dial in a few little things that will make your ride more convenient. A co-worker recently surprised me with a pan of thank you brownies. I didn’t have a way to carry them home, so I taped the pan to my rear rack. Now, I’ll add a cargo net to my commuter rig. But that only matters as long as I ride.

Lastly, find your joy to keep commuting. What challenge would keep you commuting? Parking in Denver is ridiculous, so I like track the money I save by biking to work. I love the efficiency of running errands by human power. Find what makes bike commuting fun for you!

Happy commuting!
I Ling

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